Home » General » OCN-SIM FLEX v0.1.1 Released

OCN-SIM FLEX v0.1.1 Released

After hav­ing had quite a busy time writ­ing  my Ph.D. the­sis, I final­ly man­aged to incor­po­rate some new changes into OCN-SIM Flex that are mean­ing­ful enough to tag this with a new ver­sion.  This main­ly includes the fol­low­ing changes:

  • Intro­duced sub­sti­tu­tion vari­ables as a com­fort­able way to define val­ues occur­ring sev­er­al times in an input file
  • Main­ly changes under the hood to make life a lit­tle eas­i­er for developers

More­over, there's lots of algo­rithms and fea­tures that are still unpub­lished, but which will find their way into this repo, once they are prop­er­ly eval­u­at­ed and reviewed. Amongst oth­ers, this is going to include the eval­u­a­tion of inter­nal reac­tion forces as to be seen in the demo pic­ture. So just drop by from time to time and see what's new.

Greet­ings from the scriptorium,
